Hello All ☺
My apologies I haven't really created or posted anything in a while. My life has taken a few exciting changes in the past 6-7 months, and I haven't had the time to create or to write, even while it's so important to my over all well-being. First, I got the job I've been trying to land for the past 9 years working for Progressive Insurance. I love it! I still can't believe I'm actually finally here in the claims department helping people who have auto accidents.
Before that I was working for my mom at Tia's Menagerie (an Ebay store) and Perenials Preferred, a fabulous green house near my apartment that focuses on native and rare plants, while also doing part time for my own art community RevelationArt on Facebook and Etsy. It's been a little over a year now that I've been living with my awesome boyfriend Dan and my little old chihuahua and two rescue kitties. I've learned a lot about life while not having to struggle so hard and yet, battling cancer cells has also brought on some strange changes to my health that have been kinda tough.
Never the less, I am still here and still thinking of awesome creations to make and share with the world through photos, paintings, drawings, and songs. The thing is when? When will I be able to make the time to go ahead and do those creative things that I need to? Do you ever feel like this? Anyways, once I do get more balanced I plan to be back to work on and post more ☺ I hope this letter finds you all well and God bless you ♥