Monday, May 28, 2018

Just Do Something

Tonight marks about 2 months past the time that I should have planted my herbal garden seeds, started sewing our costumes for Dragon Con, begun working on the yard, and many other things. Yet still here I am tonight planting these seeds and watering them and placing the planters with care while looking forward to the time the seeds will germinate and grow in to something more. Somewhere in the middle of making a mess on the green (art) room floor, I realized that it's better to do something than nothing at all.

Even if you are a bit behind in doing so, it is important to do life enriching things for you and those you care about. A while back there was a pod cast I was listening to about spring time and how a seed once planted has to go through this process of dying to itself and being born again in to a new beginning. The initial death stage to the seed (to our own hearts and lives) can feel so brutal and over whelming when the winter seasons of our lives freeze over us.

When you're enduring the harsh winds of the winter seasons in your life, it is so hard to imagine that spring will ever come let alone thaw out your frozen soul. The physical spring here has come and gone without me taking much notice as I was too preoccupied with what felt like my emotional death, and now it is officially the first day of physical summer and I am just starting to feel the emotional dawn of spring inside. 

Now I want to encourage you; When you feel stuck in your circumstances or situation, when you gave it all for your dream only to have yet another door slammed shut in your face, when impossible obstacles are blocking your path, remember that this time is only but a season. The seeds that you plant today will grow in to something, but you get to choose which seeds you want to plant. Haters gonna hate. People will talk you down and even those with "good intentions" who are "only looking out for your best interest" will verbally rip your ideas to shreds. 

 Let that negativity roll off of you because they are not you and you are the one that has to live with the fruits of the seeds that you plant in your life. Even if it's in the midnight hour so to speak, even if you're a little bit of a late bloomer, just do something. At the end of the day, you are going to have to face yourself and the decisions you've made; it's important that you like what you see. I have added some photos of the giant hibiscus plant that it took me 5+ years to buy because I have always wanted it but I've been too afraid to get one. This beautiful plant was once only a seed, and a dream in someone's heart who took those first steps and planted it. Now it's your turn.  


1 comment:

  1. I loved this post, it's good to remind ourselves it's ok & the negativity isn't needed in our lives! <3
